Imported varistors
System of symbols for domestic integrated circuits
Types of electronic circuits In radio electronics, there are several types of circuits: circuit diagrams, wiring diagrams, block diagrams, voltage maps
Classification and designation of transistors: letters, numbers, examples
The designation system for modern types of transistors is established by the industry standard OST 11336.919-81. The basis of the notation system
Main features of the operation and application of the relay
The first mention of the relay The invention cannot be attributed to just one scientist. Since this
What do you need to know to install an electric heated floor with your own hands?
It’s quite easy to create comfort in your home and install an electric “warm floor” under the tiles with your own hands.
Solar power bank
TOP 8 popular Solar Power Banks: advantages, features, price, where to buy
You quickly get used to good things, and therefore it is not surprising that the modern generation no longer thinks
How to correctly calculate and make a Kharchenko antenna for digital television
To reliably receive digital terrestrial signals and display television channels, you need the right antenna. The best
Generation of electrical energy. Transformers
History of the world electric power industry Electric power industry is a strategic branch of the economic system of any state. History and
Experiment 4. Adjusting the voltage. Studying Ohm's law
Principle of operation How does our mains voltage stabilizer work, which is easily made by your own?
Security alarm circuit diagram
Manufacturing and connection of ShchR, ShchS, ShchO and ShchAO boards
TYPES AND TYPES OF INSTALLATION An alarm loop (AL) is an electrical circuit containing: sensors (DS);
What Tesla actually invented and why he was a hoaxer
Wires have completely enslaved humanity. Modern cities are drowning in a web of cables - on the ground, under
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