Do-it-yourself electric motor repair: motor maintenance at home (instructions on how to rewind)
Main causes of breakdowns The most common causes of breakdowns of electric motors are improper operation and aging of parts.
What is an oscilloscope for and how to measure current, voltage, frequency and phase shift
Setup Modern oscilloscopes do not require any setup before use, but nevertheless
Instructions for installing lightning protection added problems to designers
Any resource, including electricity, needs transportation and redistribution. Unlike
Resistors in analog and digital-to-analog technology - part 1
The resistor is the most common part in electronic designs, sometimes it takes up up to 70% of all electronic
Car battery
What is the battery starting current and what should it be?
When it comes to the most important characteristics of a car battery, most motorists mention battery capacity. Along with
Low battery indicator circuit
Review of the Li-ion battery protection board and charge level indicator: subtleties of operation, obvious and not so obvious
This battery charge indicator is based on an adjustable zener diode TL431. Using two resistors you can
Difference Between Conductor, Semiconductor and Insulator
What is the difference between a conductor and a semiconductor? It is known that in a substance placed in an electric field, when
How to choose a phase meter - review, purpose, principle of operation, scope of application + instructions for use with photos
What is phase and phase shift? You can guess from the name of the device that the phase is measured.
Design of a three-phase power supply circuit for a private house with 15 kW
Do-it-yourself single-line power supply diagram | Graphic display of power supply diagrams A diagram is a graphical
Diodes 10 Ampere 12 Volt Selection of stabilizer
What is a Schottky diode? A Schottky diode belongs to the family of diodes. He looks almost the same
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