9 tips on how to choose the right LED phytolamp for seedlings

In recent decades, people have been actively breeding a wide variety of flora at home. Such proximity helps not only to improve the interior of the room, create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, but also to significantly diversify your diet by cultivating certain varieties of crops. However, representatives of the plant world growing indoors often do not have enough light for effective development and fruiting. In order to resolve this issue, lamps for growing plants are often installed in everyday life and industry, which can bring conditions closer to natural light in nature.


The summer season begins at the beginning of spring. Gradually, the soil and air warm up, and gardeners prepare the seedlings for planting in natural sunlight. However, many lovers of fresh greens, which they eat all year round, and city farmers know that it is not necessary to wait until spring and summer to plant plants.

  • Why do you need additional lighting for seedlings?
  • What is a phytolamp
  • Pros of phytolamps
  • Types and forms of phytolamps Sodium gas-discharge lamps (DNAT)
  • Metal halide (MGL)
  • Mercury gas-discharge phytolamp (DRLF)
  • Fluorescent lamps
  • LED phytolamps
  • How to choose a phytolamp for plants
      What are lenses for?
  • At what height should you hang a phytolamp?
  • How long should a phytolamp burn?
  • Which spectrum to choose
  • The meaning of spectrum colors for plants
  • How to calculate the optimal power of a phytolamp
  • Which lamps are not suitable?
  • How to properly illuminate seedlings
  • How to use a phytolamp
  • Harm of phytolamps to people and animals
  • How can you replace a phytolamp?
  • Benefits of phytolamps
  • Gas discharge

    This technology became widespread after the discovery of mercury lamps. They were distinguished by a bright glow and a tendency towards the blue spectrum of rays. All gas-discharge devices become very hot during operation.

    Subsequently, sodium gas-discharge lamps appeared, which still remain one of the brightest lighting devices. To use them, you will need to additionally connect a starting device and ballast. The light of a sodium lamp is predominantly red, such rays will be very useful in the middle and end of the plant's life cycle.

    Why do you need additional lighting for seedlings?

    Thanks to artificial light sources, it is possible to grow seedlings in the complete absence or insufficient lighting. Electric lighting devices have a different set of spectra aimed at activating physiological processes in plants.

    With their help, photosynthesis reactions are launched and new compounds are formed. Thanks to them, seeds quickly germinate into sprouts and adult plants, which after a short period of time produce excellent harvests.

    What is a phytolamp

    A phytolamp is an electrical source of electromagnetic radiation, specially designed for growing plants. The spectra of phytolamps are already built into the modular design of a specific model or can be independently adjusted for different crops and growth stages.

    Through phytolights, the processes of photosynthesis that occur in plant chloroplasts are activated.

    The growth and development of greenery depends on their speed. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of phytolamp thoroughly. Growing plants requires a special spectrum, light output and color temperature of the light source.

    Phytolamps or agrolamps are much more economical than conventional light bulbs, taking into account the luminous flux output . They are intended for plants. As they are used, active growth of seedlings is observed, susceptibility to the environment and stress is reduced, flowering is stimulated and productivity increases

    Purpose of phytolamps

    To understand the role and functions of such lighting, consider the physiology of plants. They synthesize the organic substances necessary for life from water and carbon dioxide with the participation of light energy. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be sunlight. What is of primary importance is not its origin, but the spectrum of light wavelengths.

    What kind of light do plants need?

    Photosynthesis and the various processes that occur in plants as they grow require predominantly visible light in the wavelength range from 380 to 780 nm. Moreover, light waves with different lengths from this range have different effects on seedlings:

    • Up to 400 nm – participates in the formation of pigments and vitamins, and has a bactericidal effect. The need for such light is low; a small amount is sufficient.
    • 400-510 nm – blue spectrum waves, stimulate carotenoids and carbon dioxide processing. They have a positive effect on the growth and development of seedlings. Slow down excessively active stem growing. The most important thing is a sufficient supply of blue light for young plants at the stage of formation of shoots and green mass.
    • 510-600 nm – yellow-green spectrum light. Activates photosynthesis processes in dense and dense foliage.
    • 600-700 nm – red spectrum, most important for active photosynthesis. Serves as a catalyst for the formation of chlorophyll. Helps plants adapt more effectively to changing environmental conditions. Directly involved in the formation and ripening of flowers, and then fruits. At the same time, the volume of red light must be limited - its excess can lead to disturbances in the development of plants and even their death.
    • 700-750 nm – light of the far-red spectrum, at low concentrations it effectively regulates plant development. In excess it provokes excessive elongation of shoots.

    Wavelengths above 1000 nm have no effect on the development of vegetation.

    Thus, the spectral characteristics of light, their ratio, and timely provision of waves of the required length are important for plants. The amount of light radiation must be strictly regulated. There should be neither excess nor deficiency.

    Phytolamp as a replacement for the sun

    Now directly about why a phytolamp is needed when growing seedlings. First of all, this is an effective way to compensate for the lack of sunlight or even its complete absence. If your apartment windows look out onto a gloomy well courtyard or simply don’t get enough sun, such a lamp will become a kind of indoor sun for your plants.

    Another important function of phytolamps is to ensure independence from weather and season. In its rays, seedlings will develop effectively even in winter, when the sun barely slips above the horizon. Dense clouds, smoke, etc. – the lamp eliminates any causes of shading. Moreover, with correctly selected characteristics, it is capable of ensuring active growth and development of crops and flowers, even in rooms without rooms.

    Phytolamps can be installed not only at home when growing seedlings on a windowsill. They are also actively used in greenhouses, helping to obtain consistently high yields. And this is a direct contribution to the profitability of the agricultural enterprise.

    But even for private farms, the benefits of using phytolights are quite significant:

    • It compensates for the lack of sunlight in the early stages of development.
    • The seedlings develop more actively - and they approach planting stronger and healthier.
    • The emergence of plants to bear fruit is accelerated.
    • It becomes possible to engage in gardening in areas with long winters and relatively cold springs.

    Is a phytolamp necessary if there is no shortage of sunlight? The situation here is twofold. On the one hand, spending extra money to replace natural lighting with artificial lighting is not very rational. On the other hand, the light created by a high-quality lamp for seedlings works in strictly limited light and creates a normalized and safe luminous flux. If you grow seedlings on a windowsill, then for their proper growth you will have to regularly rotate the containers and boxes and make sure that the sun does not burn the leaves. Consequently, the work becomes more labor intensive.

    There are a huge number of different types of seedling lamps on the market. This allows you to choose the best option for various specific tasks. At the same time, such diversity can create significant difficulties for an unprepared gardener. And in order to understand how to choose the right phytolamps for seedlings grown on a windowsill, you need to understand how one type differs from another. Therefore, having understood the purpose of phyto-lighting, we move on to considering its different variations.

    Pros of phytolamps

    • Lighting is aimed at the crops, and not throughout the room;
    • You can use phytolights in rooms with normal lighting;
    • Plants grow faster, bloom and bear fruit, remaining healthy and strong;
    • Phytolamps allow you to grow various crops all year round;
    • Agropanels consume little electricity compared to incandescent lamps;
    • Innovative phytolamps are equipped with technology for removing excess heat.

    The disadvantages include the fact that the light of some types of phytolamps is harmful to humans and therefore it must be installed in a non-residential area. Additionally, fixtures take up space and must be mounted correctly to achieve the desired effect.

    Types of lamps for supplementary illumination of seedlings

    The abundance of such light sources is divided into the following options:

    • sodium;
    • halogen;
    • luminescent;
    • LED

    In theory, seedlings can be illuminated with ordinary incandescent light bulbs. But the profitability of this option will be low. Conventional lamps consume more energy, do not last long, and heat up excessively. And their light spectrum is not the most ideal. Therefore, it is better to use specialized equipment.

    Halogen lamps are also not the most suitable option. They are durable and produce light with suitable characteristics. However, even small voltage drops can damage them. They also require up to 20 minutes to fully turn on. And the brightness of their glow begins to fall after 2 thousand hours of operation.

    HID lamps are a much more efficient option. Here are their advantages:

    • high efficiency;
    • working life up to 20 thousand hours;
    • optimal color spectrum.

    The main disadvantages are the need to connect through a special starting unit and the overall high cost of sodium supplementary lighting systems.

    LED systems and fluorescent lamps are more accessible, practical and have optimal characteristics. The first option is characterized by a long service life (over 50 thousand hours), virtually no heating and high reliability. The diodes have no filaments or spirals, so they are not afraid of shaking. And the light they generate is safe for humans and optimally suited for plant development.

    Fluorescent lighting also fully meets the physiological needs of plants. In addition, such lamps create a wide and uniform luminous flux, are durable and reliable. The disadvantages of this type include higher cost and the content of mercury vapor in the flask.

    Thus, for home use it is worth buying a fluorescent or, more practical, LED phytolamp. Based on the combination of performance characteristics, reliability and price, this will be the best option. Moreover, as statistics show, diode lamps have firmly taken the leading place.

    Types and forms of phytolamps

    According to the complexity of use, spectra and emitted light, phytolights are divided into the following lamps:

    Sodium gas discharge lamps (HSD)

    They are used in greenhouses for growing seedlings and garden crops, most often to extend daylight hours (additional light). Such phytolamps are not suitable for growing plants at home. They are too powerful and heat up quickly.

    Such phytolamps are divided into basic ones, when the light is distributed throughout the entire room and with a mirror coating. In this case, lighting has a directed effect on the crops themselves. The lamps emit yellow-green and orange light, but the spectrum differs significantly from the natural one and is poorly transmitted. They need special lamps. They work for a long time under any climatic conditions, but quickly lose their luminosity; in addition, problems arise with their disposal, since they contain mercury vapor.

    Metal halide (MGL)

    They are a type of gas discharge lamps. There are halogen vapors in the MGL flask. Phytolamps of this type require durable lamps. Metal halide lamps can operate continuously for up to two years, but require a stable voltage, are explosive and also quickly lose their luminosity.

    They are more expensive due to the fact that they have high light output and different lighting spectra for different crops.

    Mercury gas-discharge phytolamp (DRLF)

    Suitable for any lamp. Thanks to mirror coating, the lamp directs light to a specific location. DRLFs are durable in use, provide bright light, but distort colors. In addition, such lamps require constant voltage without interruption.

    Fluorescent lamps

    - This is a type of gas-discharge phytolamps, but for growing plants, those that have the desired luminescence spectrum are selected. Usually used in everyday life, they are economical, cheap and safe. However, they cannot work in rooms with temperatures below +5°C. In addition, fluorescent lamps have a low degree of luminescence and are not suitable for commercial and industrial use.

    LED phytolamps

    can be assembled into different lighting systems, they are available and have different emission spectra. They are not demanding on voltage and can operate at full power immediately after switching on. LEDs consume little electricity, are very durable, they can be used to select any spectrum of light for various crops and tasks, and they lose efficiency very slowly. However, they should not be allowed to overheat significantly.

    Lamps for lighting and growing plants: types

    Every experienced gardener understands the importance of lighting and the role of lamps for indoor plants and flowers, especially in autumn, winter and spring.

    It is at these times of the year that many plants need additional lighting or even constant artificial lighting with the help of special phytolamps.

    In this regard, the question arises: “What is the best lamp to use for lighting and growing plants and flowers?”

    For additional lighting of indoor plants, you can use various types of lamps: incandescent, fluorescent, gas-discharge and LED.

    Each type of lamp has its own advantages and differs in efficiency of use.

    Incandescent lamps

    A standard incandescent lamp is low efficient and has many disadvantages (low light intensity and service life, heating, light spectrum only promotes vertical plant growth (lots of red and very little blue), high energy consumption).

    They can only be used with a lot of light in winter in southern latitudes (day length 10-12 hours) in greenhouses and winter gardens as evening lighting.

    Incandescent bulbs work well for short-stemmed, long-leafed plants or long-stemmed vines.

    Incandescent lamps for plants have a special reflective surface and produce a spectrum of light with a peak in the blue and red ranges.

    • Basically, incandescent lamps are used as an additional source of light with red rays together with cold (4000K or 6400K) lamps.

    T8 fluorescent lamps for plants

    The spectrum of the lamp is close to daylight (6500K - daylight), economical energy consumption.

    Most indoor plants grow well and many bloom (Saintpaulia, impatience). This is the basic option for artificial lighting of indoor plants and seedlings.

    There are special phytolamps for indoor plants, for example: osram fluora.

    The emitted light of phytolamps occurs in the red and blue spectrum (we see pink-violet color), which activates photochemical processes and improves the growth and development of plants.


    For those who have a lot of young plants or with a great need for light, it is better to buy special phytolamps like osram fluora for plants.

    Osram fluora fluorescent lamps for plants are 10-12 times more expensive than conventional fluorescent lamps, but have the best spectrum among all types of lamps.

    The balance of blue and red with the peaks of these two colors is close to the ideal ratio. They can also be combined with a standard 765 or 840, 865 lamp.

    • OSRAM L 18 W /77 FLUORA - 18 Watt (60 cm), or OSRAM L 36 W /77 FLUORA - the same, 36 Watt (120 cm) T8 type.



    Gas-discharge lamps (mercury (DRL), sodium (DnaT) and metal halide)

    They are divided into mercury (DRL), sodium (DnaT) and metal halide.


    In this group they are less effective and useful.


    This type of lamp has a number of advantages. High-pressure sodium lamps are characterized by very high efficiency, luminous flux power and a long service life (12-20 thousand hours).

    They are most often used when lighting large areas: greenhouses, greenhouses, winter gardens. They are not recommended for use in residential areas due to their very high light output. You can try it on a remote loggia or balcony.

    The spectrum of the lamp contains many red rays; it is useful for root formation and flowering of plants.

    • For maximum efficiency, they must be combined with mercury or metal halide lamps.

    A 250 W sodium lamp in a special lamp provides illumination of 15 thousand lux on an area of ​​1 sq.m.


    This type of lamp, according to experts, is the most perfect for artificial lighting of plants.

    Metal halide lamps have high power, long service life and an optimal luminescence spectrum, but also a fairly high price.

    Nowadays they produce lamps with a ceramic burner (Philips (CDM), OSRAM (HCI)) with a high color rendering index (CRI=80-95). Domestic analogues can be found in the DRI series.

    Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps

    Advanced LED technology has a number of advantages. LED light bulbs have a long service life and minimal energy consumption.

    In order for the plant to receive red and blue rays, the lamp must contain LEDs of these two colors at the same time in a ratio of 8:1 or 8:2.




    How to choose a phytolamp for plants

    There are many types of lamps and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. What should you pay attention to when choosing a phytolamp for plants? To choose the appropriate option, you need to decide on the purpose of purchase and the place where the phytolamp will be installed in the future.

    If you need a phytolamp for growing plants on a windowsill, then there are many types to suit every taste and budget. A more difficult task is to find a phytolamp for seedlings and plants grown in greenhouses or specialized premises at the production level. It is worth considering how long the phytolamp will work, continuously or seasonally, and how often it requires maintenance and replacement during operation. Before buying a phytolamp, it is worth checking how demanding it is in terms of voltage, what spectrum of radiation it produces, what power it has, what material it is made from, the illumination area and the luminous flux power (PPFD) at different heights from the surface of the lamp to the plant.

    It is also necessary to correctly calculate, based on the area of ​​the room and the crops that the city farmer is going to grow, the required number of phytolamps, their power and spectrum. Many of them emit a lot of heat, so it’s worth choosing models that are equipped with cooling radiators and technologies for removing excess heat.

    For the growth and development of various plants, they need blue, red light at different wavelengths, infrared radiation, and sometimes ultraviolet. Therefore, you need to understand this before purchasing phytolamps. An important factor is the ease of assembly and dismantling of the lamps.

    Phytolamps come in round, square and linear shapes. The choice should be made on the lamp that, in terms of power and area, will optimally illuminate the plants. Round, square or spotlights are suitable for illuminating a free-standing plant.

    The advantages of such phytolamps are high power, compactness, the ability to combine spectra and ease of use. 36 W agricultural lights illuminate plants that are grown at home. Phytolamps with a power of 100 W or more are used in greenhouses. To grow plants in long containers in one row, linear phytolamps are used. However, for a safe but effective glow, it is necessary to calculate the optimal height for installing the lamps. It is also worth considering the area of ​​radiators and illumination.

    White light for plants

    Photosynthesis and light

    Sunlight is necessary for plants at any stage of development.
    The main characteristics of light are its spectral composition, intensity, daily and seasonal dynamics. Lack of light - shortened daylight hours and low light intensity - lead to the death of the plant. Light is the only source of energy that provides the functions and needs of a green organism. To compensate for the lack of sunlight, additional lighting of plants is used. The most common tools are HPS lamps and LED lamps. Photosynthesis is the basis of plant life. The energy of light quanta converts inorganic substances produced by the plant into organic ones.

    Light of different wavelengths has different effects on the rate of photosynthesis. The first studies on this topic were carried out back in 1836 by V. Daubeny. The physicist came to the conclusion that the intensity of photosynthesis is proportional to the brightness of light. The brightest rays at that time were considered yellow. Outstanding Russian botanist and plant physiologist K.A. Timiryazev in 1871–1875 found that green plants most intensively absorb rays from the red and blue parts of the solar spectrum, and not yellow ones, as was previously thought. By absorbing the red and blue parts of the spectrum, chlorophyll reflects green rays, which is why it appears green. Based on these data, the German plant physiologist T.V. Engelman in 1883 developed a bacterial method for studying the assimilation of carbon dioxide by plants, which confirmed that the decomposition of carbon dioxide (and, therefore, the release of oxygen) in green plants is observed in additional to the main color (i.e. green) rays - red and blue. Data obtained using modern equipment fully confirm the results obtained by Engelman more than 130 years ago.

    Fig. 1 – Dependence of the intensity of photosynthesis of green plants on the light wavelength

    The maximum intensity of photosynthesis is under red light, but the red spectrum alone is not enough for the harmonious development of the plant. Research shows that lettuce grown under red light has more green mass than lettuce grown under combined red-blue light, but its leaves have significantly less chlorophyll, polyphenols and antioxidants.

    PAR and its derivatives

    Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, PPF - Photosynthetic Photon Flux) is that part of solar radiation reaching plants that is used by them for photosynthesis. Measured in µmol/J. PAR can be expressed in energy units (radiation intensity, Watt/m2).

    Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) is the total number of photons emitted per second in the wavelength range from 400 to 700 nm (μmol/s).

    The PAR value does not take into account the difference between different wavelengths in the range of 400 - 700 nm. In addition, the approximation is used that waves outside this range have zero photosynthetic activity.

    If the exact emission spectrum is known, it is possible to estimate the photon flux assimilated by the plant (YPF - Yield Photon Flux), which is PAR weighted in accordance with the efficiency of photosynthesis at each wavelength. YPF is always slightly less than PPF, but allows a more adequate assessment of the energy efficiency of the light source.

    For practical purposes, it is enough to take into account that the dependence is almost linear and PPF for 3000 K is approximately 10% greater than YPF, and for 5000 K - by 15%. Which means about 5% more energy value for a plant in warm light compared to cold light at equal lux.

    White LED Efficiency

    Isolated and purified in vitro chlorophyll only absorbs red and blue light. In a living cell, pigments absorb light in the entire range of 400–700 nm and transfer its energy to chlorophyll.

    A few facts about white LEDs:

    1. In the spectrum of all white LEDs, even with a low color temperature and maximum color rendering, like sodium lamps, there is very little far-red (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. Spectrum of white LED (LED 4000K Ra = 90) and sodium light (HPS)

    in comparison with spectral functions of plant sensitivity to blue (B),

    red (Ar) and far-red light (Afr)

    Under natural conditions, a plant shaded by a canopy of alien foliage receives more distant red than near red, which in light-loving plants triggers the “shade avoidance syndrome” - the plant stretches upward. Tomatoes, for example, at the growth stage (not seedlings!) need far red to stretch, increase growth and the total area occupied, and, therefore, the harvest in the future. Under white LEDs and HPS lamps, the plant feels like it is under the open sun and does not stretch upward.

    2. Blue light provides phototropism - “following the sun” (Fig. 3).

    Rice. 3. Phototropism - turning leaves and flowers, stretching stems

    to the blue component of white light

    In one watt of white LED light there is twice as much phytoactive blue component in 2700K as in one watt of sodium light. Moreover, the proportion of phytoactive blue in white light increases in proportion to the color temperature. If you place a lamp with intense cold light next to the plant, it will turn the inflorescences towards the lamp.

    3. The energy value of light is determined by color temperature and color rendering and can be determined with an accuracy of 5% using the formula:

    [eff.µmol/J], where η – light output [Lm/W],

    Ra – color rendering index,

    CCT – correlated color temperature [K]

    This formula can be used to calculate illumination in order to provide the required YPF value for a given color rendering and color temperature, for example, 300 effective µmol/s/m2:

    3000K 4000K 5000K
    Ra=70 25 424 25 641 25 641
    Ra=80 23 077 23 810 24 194
    Ra=95 20 408 21 583 22 388

    Table 1 – Illumination (lux), corresponding to 300 effective µmol/s/m2

    The table shows that the lower the color temperature and the higher the color rendering index, the lower the required illumination. However, given that the light output of warm light LEDs is somewhat lower, it is clear that there is no energetically significant gain or loss by choosing color temperature and color rendering. You can only adjust the proportion of phytoactive blue or red light.

    4. For practical purposes, you can use the rule: a luminous flux of 1000 lm corresponds to PPF = 15 μmol/s, and illumination of 1000 lux corresponds to PPFD = 15 μmol/s/m2.

    PPFD can be calculated more accurately using the formula:

    PPFD = [μmol/s/m2],

    where k is the luminous flux utilization factor (the proportion of the luminous flux from the lighting installation falling on the leaves of plants)

    F – luminous flux [klm],

    S – illuminated area [m2]

    But k is an uncertain quantity, which increases the inaccuracy of the estimate.

    Let's consider possible values ​​for the main types of lighting systems:

    Take advantage of our catalog of LED lighting for plants

    A wide range of home-made products are presented here.
    our specialists will help you make professional and accurate light calculations


    You may also be interested in:

    • minigarden lighting
    • Lamps for seedlings
    • LED lighting for greenhouses
    • For plant photosynthesis
    • Phyto LEDs

    Point and line sources.

    The illumination created by a point source in a local area falls in inverse proportion to the square of the distance between this area and the source. Illumination created by linear extended sources over narrow beds decreases inversely with distance. That is, the greater the distance from the lamp to the plant, the more light does not fall on the leaves. Therefore, it is not economically feasible to use lamps located at a height of more than 2 m to illuminate single extended beds. The use of lenses allows you to narrow the luminous flux of the lamp and direct a larger share of light to the plant. However, the strong dependence of illumination on distance and the uncertainty of the effect of using optics do not allow us to determine the utilization factor k in the general case.

    · Reflective surfaces.

    When using closed volumes with perfectly reflective walls, the entire light flux hits the plant. However, the actual reflectance of mirror or white surfaces is less than unity. The proportion of light flux incident on the plant depends on the reflective properties of surfaces and volume geometry. It is generally impossible to determine k.

    Large arrays of sources over large landing areas

    Large arrays of spotlights or linear luminaires over large planting areas are energetically beneficial. A quantum emitted in any direction will eventually hit some plant; the coefficient k is close to unity.

    So, the uncertainty in the fraction of light reaching the plants is higher than the difference between PPFD and YPFD, and higher than the uncertainty determined by the unknown color temperature and color rendering. Therefore, for practical assessment of PAR intensity, it is advisable to choose a fairly rough method for assessing illumination that does not take these nuances into account. And if possible, measure the actual illumination with a lux meter.

    The most adequate assessment of the photosynthetically active flux of white light is achieved by measuring the illumination E using a luxmeter and neglecting the influence of spectral parameters on the energy value of light for the plant. Thus, the PPFD of white LED light can be estimated using the formula:

    PPFD = [μmol/s/m2]

    Using the above formulas, let us evaluate the applicability of the DS-Office 60 LED office lamp for growing lettuce and its PPFD.

    The lamp consumes 60W, has a color temperature of 5000K, color rendering Ra =75 and luminous efficiency of 110 lm/W. At the same time, its effectiveness will be

    YPF = (110/100) (1.15 + (3575 − 2360)/5000) eff. µmol/J = 1.32 eff. µmol/J,

    which when multiplied by the consumed 60 W will be 79.2 eff. µmol/s.

    If the lamp is placed at a height of 30-50 cm above a bed with an area of ​​0.6 × 0.6 m = 0.36, the lighting density will be 79.2 eff. µmol/s / 0.36 m2 = 220 eff. µmol/s/m2, which is 30% lower than the recommended value of 300 eff. µmol/s/m2. This means that the lamp power needs to be increased by 30%.

    PPFD = 15×0.110klm/W×60W/0.36m2=275 µmol/s/m2

    Efficiency of phytolight DS-FitoA 75. (75W, 5000K, Ra = 95, 102 lm/W):

    YPF = (102/100)(1.15 + (3595 − 2360)/5000) eff. µmol/J = 1.37 eff. µmol/J, or 102.75 eff. µmol/s. With a similar location above the bed, the lighting density will be 285 eff. µmol/s/m2, which is close in value to the recommended level.

    PPFD = 15×0.102klm/W×75W/0.36m2=319 µmol/s/m2

    Efficiency of DNAT

    Agricultural complexes are conservative when it comes to lighting greenhouses and prefer to use time-tested sodium lamps. The efficiency of HPS depends on the power and reaches a maximum at 600 W. YPF is 1.5 eff. µmol/J. (Fig. 4). 1000 lm of luminous flux corresponds to PPF = ~12 µmol/s, and illumination of 1000 lux corresponds to PPFD = ~12 µmol/s/m2, which is 20% less than similar indicators of white LED light. These data make it possible to recalculate lux for HPS in µmol/s/m2 and use the experience of lighting plants in industrial greenhouses.

    Rice. 4. Spectrum of a sodium lamp for plants (left). Efficiency (lm/W and eff.µmol/J) of commercial sodium lamps for greenhouses (right)

    Any LED lamp with an efficiency of 1.5 eff. µmol/W is a worthy alternative to a HPS lamp.

    Rice. 5. Comparative parameters of a typical 600W sodium lamp for greenhouses, a specialized LED phytolight and an office lamp.

    An ordinary general lighting lamp for supplementary illumination of plants is not inferior in energy efficiency to a specialized sodium lamp or a red-blue lamp. The spectra show that the red-blue phytolight is not narrow-band, its red hump is wide and contains much more far-red red than the white LED and sodium lamps. In cases where far-red is required, using such a luminaire alone or in combination with other options may be advisable.

    Currently, both red-blue and white light are used to illuminate hydroponic farms (Fig. 6-8).

    Fig. 6 – Fujitsu greens farm

    Rice. 7 – Toshiba hydroponic system

    Fig. 8 – The largest vertical farm Aerofarms, supplying over 1000 tons of greens per year

    There are very few published results of direct experiments comparing plants grown under white and red-blue LEDs.

    The main direction of research today is to correct the shortcomings of narrow-band red-blue lighting by adding white light. Experiments by Japanese researchers show an increase in the weight and nutritional value of lettuce and tomatoes when white is added to red light.

    Rice. 9. In each pair, the plant on the left is grown under white LEDs, on the right - under red-blue LEDs

    (from a presentation by I. G. Tarakanov, Department of Plant Physiology, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)

    The Fitex project presented the results of an experiment on growing various crops in the same conditions, but under light of a different spectrum. The experiment showed that the spectrum affects the crop parameters. You can compare plants grown under white light, under HPS light and narrow-band pink light in Fig. 10:

    Rice. 10 Lettuce grown under the same conditions, but under a different spectrum of light.

    Images from a video published by the Fitex project in the materials of the Agrophotonics Technologies conference in March 2022.

    In terms of numerical indicators, the first place was taken by a unique non-white spectrum under the commercial name Rose, which in shape is not very different from the tested warm white light with high color rendering Ra=90. It differs even less from the spectrum of warm white light with extra-high color rendering Ra=98. The main difference is that in Rose, a small portion of the energy from the central part is removed (redistributed to the edges) (Fig. 11):

    Fig. 11 – Spectral distribution for warm white light extra high color rendering and Rose light

    The redistribution of radiation energy from the center of the spectrum to the edges does not affect the life processes of plants, but the light becomes pink.

    The influence of light quality on the result

    The plant's response to light - the intensity of gas exchange, nutrient consumption and synthesis processes - is determined in the laboratory. The responses characterize not only photosynthesis, but also the processes of growth, flowering, and the synthesis of substances necessary for taste and aroma (Fig. 12).

    Fig. 12 - The influence of certain colors of the solar spectrum

    at various stages of plant development

    Regular white LED light and specialized red-blue light have approximately the same energy efficiency when lighting plants. However, broadband white promotes the complex development of the plant, not limited to just stimulating photosynthesis. Removing green from the full spectrum to make purple from white is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

    Red-blue, pink LED light or yellow HPS light can be used in industrial greenhouses. But if additional illumination of plants occurs in the constant presence of a person, white light is needed that does not irritate visual and nerve receptors.

    The choice of the type of LED lamp or HPS lamp depends on the characteristics of growing a particular crop, but in any case it is necessary to take into account:

    · Photosynthetic photon flux PPFD and assimilated photon flux YPF. Now you can calculate these indicators yourself, knowing the luminous flux of the lamp, color rendering index and color temperature.

    Recommended value YPF=300 eff. µmol/s/m2

    · The degree of protection of the lamp body from the penetration of dust and moisture. When IP is below 54, soil particles, pollen, and water drops may get inside when watering, which will lead to failure of the lamp.

    · Presence of people in the room with working lamps. Pink and violet light is tiring for the eyes and can cause headaches, while yellow light distorts the colors of objects.

    · HPS lamps heat up during operation; they must be suspended at a considerable height to avoid burns and drying out of the soil. The luminous flux of gas-discharge lamps decreases after 1.5-2 years of use.

    Properly selected light ensures rapid and proper development of plants - strengthening the root system, increasing green mass, abundant flowering and accelerated ripening of fruits.
    Technological progress is taking crop production to a new level - use its fruits! Phytolights

    What are lenses for?

    As the plants develop, the phytolamps are raised so as not to damage the crops. However, after such manipulations, most of the light is scattered without reaching the sprouts. In order to avoid this, additional mirror lenses are installed. In spotlights, the lenses are built in at an angle of 60°. In linear phytolamps, the lenses must be installed independently, or you must select lighting fixtures that come with lenses. And so that the angle of illumination changes by 15° with every 10 cm of crop height.

    At what height should you hang a phytolamp?

    The optimal height is the one at which maximum effect is achieved without negative impact. The closer the phytolamp is located to the plants, the more power of the light flux they receive and grow faster, but too close a distance can destroy the plant. Moreover, in order to prevent excessive glow, it is necessary to install reflectors or reflectors.

    To obtain a positive effect, the phytolamp is installed taking into account the fact that every 1 m2 of area is illuminated with a power of 70 W or more with a lamp installation height of 25-50 cm from the plants. In addition, in winter it is necessary to increase the duration of daylight hours by 4-5 hours.

    The larger the plant grows, the closer the phytolamp should be. Moreover, the height of the suspension should be calculated from the top of the plants, and not from the ground. In addition, it is worth considering that crops are divided into light-loving and shade-loving varieties.

    Which device do you prefer?

    To ensure the desired level of illumination, you need to choose the right special source that will help prevent all of the above consequences. The range of lighting devices on the market is very wide, which allows you to find the ideal option in all respects:

    • Using only standard incandescent elements is not enough for the proper functioning of intracellular processes, since their emission spectrum does not contain blue, violet colors, and infrared waves cause the stems to stretch excessively, overheating them and drying out the foliage.
    • The power of the lamp is calculated based on the area of ​​plantings that are planned to be illuminated.
    • The design should be convenient for placement. You can choose from wall-mounted, floor-mounted, tripod-mounted, and suspended units.
    • Based on the type of vegetation, the lighting device should be chosen with or without a diffuser, reflector.
    • An important aspect is the percentage of spectral radiation.
    • For ease of use, the device is equipped with a mechanical or electronic timer.

      To save money, you can make artificial lighting yourself. This will make it possible to use energy-saving, cheap elements. To do this, you will need to assemble components with a power of 3 W in the following quantities: blue - 4 pcs., red - 10 pcs., white - 1 pc., green - 1 pc.

    They need to be attached to the aluminum heatsink plate using thermal paste. By soldering, the diodes are connected one by one, then mounted to the driver. It is recommended to install a small fan on the reverse side.

    Lighting devices that have red and blue tones within the spectral range are divided into several types.

    Incandescent lamps, powered by tungsten filaments, are not the best option, as they produce too little light energy and heat up excessively, which leads to negative consequences, for example, thermal burns. Another disadvantage is the overestimated percentage of red rays and the lack of blue, necessary for photosynthesis inside the foliage. Despite the low cost, this type consumes a lot of electricity, which contributes to unnecessary costs later.

    Fluorescent lamps

    Widely distributed and popular among the field of artificial lighting for plants. There are several varieties: general purpose, delivering power up to 70 W. This skin is ideal for short-term use. The main characteristic is the low emission spectrum. Special purpose devices are slightly weaker - from 35 to 50 W.

    They are considered the most acceptable option for lighting both on a permanent basis and periodically. The color spectrum of these lamps is found in accordance with acceptable limits. Compact design delivers up to 20 watts.

    Suitable for occasional lighting. Fluorescent lamps, unlike the previous type, practically do not heat up, so they are much safer for placement above plants. Another undeniable advantage is their low level of energy consumption.

    When thinking between a daylight device and a specialized phytolamp, preference should be given to the second option. This type is covered with glass, providing the desired emission spectrum, closest to natural sunlight. It is worth noting that directed flows increase productivity by 15-25%.

    Energy-saving lamps

    The principle of operation is similar to fluorescent ones, but they are more compact and convenient to use. The amount of energy expended is significantly lower than that of previous options. Their service life is much longer - up to 15 thousand hours.

    The spectral blue emitted by this type of lamp will be the best option for non-flowering plants. There are several types: cold - increases the speed of germination of greenery, accelerates production during the vegetative period, warm is suitable for the active phase of inflorescence formation, daytime is used at any time.

    Sodium lamps

    They are the most effective and economical. The average service life varies within 20 thousand hours of continuous use. One lamp will be enough to illuminate an area up to 1.5 m in size. The main colors in the spectral range are orange, red, and blue. This combination allows you to significantly speed up the process of growth and appearance of inflorescences.

    Despite these advantages, sodium lighting devices have several drawbacks, including high cost and large dimensions. Most often used in winter and botanical gardens and greenhouses. An important point is their disposal, since the device contains mercury and sodium, which require compliance with safety rules.

    LED lamp

    It is the most modern type of artificial lighting. The more common name is LED. This type has a number of advantages, of which the most important are low energy consumption and long service life, providing up to 50,000 hours of uninterrupted operation. A variety of shapes, including adhesive tapes, and sizes will allow you to choose the best option for your needs.

    They are environmentally friendly and safe for both plants and the human body. The radiation spectrum includes exclusively red, blue, and orange waves, which have a beneficial effect on the development and growth of flowers. It is necessary to calculate the lighting power according to the following principle - for 1 sq. m of area will require at least 400 W.

    Another advantage of LED lamps is that they practically do not emit heat, and this allows them to be placed in close proximity to the illuminated object. The view provides the plantings with the maximum level of comfort and the correct range of rays. The color of the lighting directly depends on the crystal installed inside, which is a conductor of electric current. It is possible to adjust power and intensity.

    This is done by decreasing or increasing the current. Several crystals are included inside the structure, reproducing certain gamuts of radiation, which makes it possible to influence flowers differently at different periods of their life.

    Metal halogen lamps

    The emission spectrum is closest to natural. Red rays have a beneficial effect on buds and inflorescences. The downside is their high cost. Induction devices are similar in principle to luminescent devices, but the design is different. These lamps do not contain electrodes inside. This nuance allows you to significantly extend their service life to 60 thousand hours or 20 years.

    The brightness distinguished by this species decreases slightly over time - to a maximum of 5%. A significant advantage is that they are not afraid of sudden changes in voltage, do not blink during operation, and do not cause discomfort to the eyes.

    They do not heat up during operation, which allows the element to be placed fairly close to the illuminated colors. Induction lamps can be used as the only source, thanks to the radiation spectrum that is extremely close to the natural spectrum.

    Relocatable, convertible and versatile products are distinguished by the fact that both a metal halide and similar high pressure sodium lamps can be placed inside. This species is widespread among gardeners.

    It allows you to adjust the method of exposure to plants at different cycles of their maturation. During the growing season, a halogen lamp is installed, then, when fruits begin to form, you need to exchange it for sodium or mercury. To switch, you only need to change the flask and set the appropriate mode.

    How long should a phytolamp burn?

    After sowing and until the first shoots appear, the lamp is left on for the entire time. After shoot germination, the optimal regime for plants is to observe daylight hours. At 6 am the phytolamp is turned on for 2.5-3 hours. Then the crops are saturated with natural sunlight, after which the lamp is turned on again from 17:00 to 22:00. Then the plants sleep.

    However, if crops are grown indoors without access to sunlight or there is not enough natural light, then phytolamps work continuously except at night. Also, when choosing the lighting mode of lamps, the season and weather conditions matter. On cloudy days and winter, the phytolamps are turned on for a longer time.

    Which spectrum to choose

    Phytolamps have one spectrum or several at the same time. Such models of phytolights are also called bicolor or multicolor. For plants to grow and develop, they need different light levels.

    Multispectral phytolamps operate in three spectra: red, blue and warm white light. They are suitable for growing plants with a thick and dense crown, as well as at the stages of flowering and ovary formation.

    Full spectrum phytolamps alternately operate in different ranges with peaks in the red and blue zones. Such phytolamps are excellent for growing seedlings and adult plants indoors without or with insufficient natural light. However, it is worth knowing that in some types of phytolamps their radiation irritates the organs of vision and it is recommended to install them in non-residential premises.

    Types of phytolamps

    Grow lights vary in the type of bulbs used.

    Sodium lamps (HPS and HPS). Not suitable for residential areas: too bright. To illuminate 1 m2, 100 W of power is used.


    • high light output;
    • long service life;
    • wide range of operating temperatures (from -60 ºС to +40 ºС);
    • effectiveness for flowering and fruit ripening, since the spectrum of arc lamps is in the red zone.


    • strong heating of the flask - there is a danger of explosion when water drops enter and there is a long distance in order to prevent burns to plants;
    • non-immediate access to operating mode – it takes 5-10 minutes;
    • special disposal due to mercury vapor content;
    • the need for ballasts;
    • inability to focus the light flux.

    Sodium phytolamps

    Fluorescent lamps (FL). Since the spectrum is shifted towards ultraviolet, which has a good effect on the root system, LLs are more suitable for growing seedlings. Fluorescent phytolamps are distinguished separately. Due to the light they emit, they can be called pink lamps. The pink tint of light (a mixture of blue and red spectrum) is obtained by applying a special phosphor.


    • profitability: relatively low price and energy efficiency;
    • lack of heating does not require a high altitude;
    • selection of lamps according to the light spectrum: warm light (3000-5000 K) for the flowering period, cold light (above 6000 K) for the growth of the root system and universal daylight for the entire period of plant growth.


    • low power: two lamps are needed for sufficient illumination;
    • difficult to use in permanently inhabited residential areas: the blue spectrum will irritate human vision;
    • difficulties with disposal due to the content of mercury vapor;
    • difficult to use in greenhouses for growing cold-resistant plants: LLs are difficult to light and work poorly at low temperatures (flicker).

    Pink light from LL

    Energy-saving phytolamps (housekeepers). Variety of LL. The ballasts are built into the E27 base. The phytolamp is convenient for illuminating individual plants. Economies do not heat up and consume little electricity.


    Induction lamps. The principle of operation is the same as that of LL, but the design is slightly different: there are no electrodes inside the bulb. Because of this, the service life increases: up to 15-20 years with a 12-hour operating mode. In addition, the luminous flux does not decrease over time, since there is no burnout of the electrodes. Induction lamps are expensive. They heat up weakly. The spectrum is suitable for growing plants.

    Induction light sources for plants

    LED phytolamps. One of the best types of grow lights. It is convenient to illuminate seedlings with RGB lamps. These are LED lamps with three crystals (red, green and blue) in one housing. Such light sources are controlled using a controller: you can illuminate the plants in turn with red or blue light, and when there are people in the room, switch them to white light mode.


    • long service life: up to 50,000 hours;
    • low power consumption;
    • good emission spectrum;
    • no problems with disposal;
    • heat up a little.


    • There is only one drawback: the cost of LED phytolamps.

    LED lights

    Based on their emission spectrum, the following lamps are distinguished:

    Bicolor with sharp peaks in the red and blue parts of the spectrum. Recommended for:

    • illumination of plants in places with a minimum amount of solar spectrum, window sills and balconies;
    • growing seedlings;
    • backlighting in winter and on windows facing north or shaded.

    Full spectrum. Lamps with broad peaks in the red and blue regions of the spectrum. Universal, suitable for almost any plant. They are inferior in efficiency to bicolor ones, but benefit from the supply of artificial light, similar to that of the sun.

    Multispectral. The spectrum combines red, blue, warm white and far red light. This spectrum stimulates flowering and fruiting in many ornamental plants (orchids, adeniums, etc.). Suitable for growing plants in the absence of sunlight.

    The meaning of spectrum colors for plants

    The blue spectrum is needed for the stages of seed germination, that is, for growing seedlings.

    The red glow is necessary in the flowering and fruiting phases. Moreover, for accelerated growth of seedlings, blue and red spectra are used in combination.

    Orange and yellow light activates photosynthesis processes and the production of beta-carotene.

    Green and blue spectra accelerate the formation of chlorophyll.

    Ultraviolet light strengthens plant roots and stimulates the growth of green mass.

    How to calculate the optimal power of a phytolamp

    To do this, you should study the information on the packaging of the phytolight from the manufacturer. To calculate the required power, you need to decide on the type of light culture and, taking into account the planting area for each light culture, its requirements for the power of the light flux at a distance, select the required number of phytolamps of a certain power. The table shows the indicators for each plant type.

    CulturePower per 1 m2 in W
    Seedlings and greens50-80
    Root crops, ornamental crops50-100
    Vegetables at the ripening stage100-170

    What lamp power is needed to grow and illuminate plants?

    The choice of lamp power is influenced by: the height of the lamp above the plant, the presence of a reflector and the group to which the plant belongs (bright light, moderate or weak (penumbra)).


    For 1 m2 of grown plants of the average illumination group, 400 W of incandescent lamp power or 5500 lumens are needed.

    Those. a shelf 1 meter long and 0.5 meter wide with plants will need 2750 lumens.

    A height of 30 cm reduces the luminous flux from the lamp by at least 30% and it turns out that you need three T8 fluorescent lamps of 36 W each. If the lamp does not have a reflector, then the luminous flux is reduced by another 30% and another 36 W lamp is needed.

    • For shade-tolerant plants, light is needed by 30-40% less, and for light-loving plants (bright light) 30-40% more, respectively, and the luminous flux from light bulbs.
    • According to the experience of gardeners, it is quite enough: tropical plants, citrus fruits, monsteras, philodendrons - 1 fluorescent lamp T8 18 W (60 cm) with a reflector, suspended above the flower at a distance of 25 cm.
    • For palm trees 150-200 cm high - 2 T8 36 W fluorescent lamps (120 cm) with a reflector above the plant at a distance of 40 cm and 30 cm between each other.

    Which lamps are not suitable?

    Experienced city farmers do not recommend using conventional incandescent lamps. Firstly, they do not provide any benefit in growing plants. Secondly, they emit too much heat, which can damage crops and burn leaves.

    Medical devices, lighting equipment for solariums and quartz lamps are not suitable as phytolamps for plants. Not only will they not bring results, they can lead to the death of all plants.

    If the packaging does not describe the radiation spectrum or the phytolamp does not have red and blue spectra, then you should also refuse to purchase. There will be no benefit from such an acquisition.

    The best lamps for plants.

    1. “Health Treasure” for plants 16 W, 56 cm. Full spectrum LED lamp. Combines blue, red and white colors. Height adjustment from 10 to 500 mm. Power 16 W. Simple design and installation. The price is about 2000 rubles.

    Pros. Reliable fastenings, light does not irritate the eyes, economical.

    Minuses. Short cord: 1.5 m.

    Health treasure

    1. Jazzway PPG T8i- 900 Agro 12w IP20. Suitable for fruit-bearing plants. Red to blue ratio: 5 to 1. Suitable for home use. Suspension. T8 lamp. Power 12 V. Service life 25,000 hours. Length 880 mm. The price is about 1000 rubles.

    Pros. Availability. Fastenings included. Easy. Possibility of adjusting the height of the suspension.

    Minuses. Light flux angle 120⁰. Pink light irritates the eyes.

    Jazzway PPG T8i- 900 Agro 12w IP20

    1. SPB-T8-Phyto. The lamp is suitable for the most capricious seedlings: emphasis on the development of roots and stems. The kit includes two lamps, mounts and wires. Base G13, T Price about 1000 rubles.

    Pros. Reducing the intervals between waterings. Does not heat up - minimum distance from plants.

    Minuses. The cord is short, the light strains the eyes.


    1. Ladder-60. Pendant lamp 60 cm long. Suitable for greenhouses and home use. LED. Red to blue ratio: 4 to 1.

    Pros. Waterproof, high luminous flux, does not heat up.

    Minuses. High price (about 9,000 rubles), unpleasant light.


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    How to properly illuminate seedlings

    For maximum effect, phytolamps must be installed above the plants. It is necessary to ensure that the light falls on the plants at a right angle of 90°. If the installation is carried out from the side, then the sprouts, tending to the light, will bend and subsequently break due to the weight of the harvest.

    To grow seedlings or plants at home, you should buy a phytolamp with a built-in diffuser. You can build a reflector from shiny surfaces so that sunlight does not go into the room, but returns to the plants. Reflectors are also needed if a phytolamp with a spectrum that affects the human visual organs is used.

    Important operational issues

    Now let's dwell on the intricacies of using phytolights so that their work is as effective as possible.

    If the plants are placed on the windowsill, then to illuminate them you can install base lamps with a round bulb. By drawing up a diagram, you can easily determine the appropriate number and power.

    If pots and containers with seedlings are installed on racks and shelves, then linear lamps would be more appropriate. They are similar in appearance to a regular fluorescent lamp and therefore occupy a minimum of space. And the large length of the bulb increases the illuminated area. You can install such lighting above the windowsill.

    To illuminate plants in greenhouses, again use linear devices. The only caveat is that here they should be more powerful.

    Before you start using a phytolamp when growing seedlings at home, you need to think about the issue of its long-term use. Firstly, different stages of plant development require an individual distance between them and the lamp. For seedlings, the optimal gap is 20-25 cm. For adult plants, it increases to 25-30 cm. Therefore, immediately provide for the possibility of changing the length of the suspension. Moreover, immediately lay it in a sufficient range - after all, the plants will stretch upward.

    Also keep in mind that the light zone has an effective (upper) and ineffective (lower) segment. Ideally, the plants should be in the first. However, with each rise of the lamp, the effective segment will move further and further away from the base of the plant. This effect can be neutralized using special lenses.

    In order not to harm the plants, you need to figure out when to turn on the phytolamp for seedlings. The optimal time to start additional lighting is the fourth or fifth day after the seedlings hatch from the seeds. There is no point in using a lamp before. Its function is not to warm up, but rather to illuminate, so it will not have any effect on seeds deep in the soil.

    By illuminating plants from the very beginning of their development, you prevent possible sun deficiency and help activate the processes of growth and formation. Experiments show that every missed day affects the intensity of the growing season.

    Another critically important point is that you need to understand for how long and how often you can turn on additional illumination with a phytolamp for seedlings. Here it is necessary to focus on the quality of natural light in the room and the individual needs of specific plant species. In a dark space without windows, the lamps should work all day long. For rooms with access to sunlight, the intensity of insolation must be taken into account. The more light the sun provides, the lower the need for a lamp.

    Average duration of daily supplementary lighting for insolated spaces:

    • cabbage of any kind, potatoes, garden strawberries, melon - up to 12 hours a day;
    • for nightshade crops (tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants) – up to 14 hours;
    • for herbs and greens – 16-18 hours;
    • flower crops – from 16 hours.

    Important: the more powerful the lamp, the less time it will take to operate effectively. But don't go for maximum power. Firstly, it is an overspending. Secondly, an overly powerful lamp can burn the seedlings.

    How to use a phytolamp

    Each grow light comes with instructions for use. It is necessary to correctly calculate the height of the phytolamp suspension, the distance to the seedlings, the required power and the radiation spectrum. If the seedlings look healthy, then all parameters are set optimally.

    As the plants grow, it is necessary to adjust the spectrum, power and height at which the phytolamp is located above the crops.

    This applies to growing plants on the windowsill and in industrial premises. In the first case, phytolamps cannot be covered with anything. In the second, greenhouses must be equipped with powerful cooling radiators to maintain the required temperature conditions so that the plants do not overheat.

    Choosing a phytolamp

    When choosing a light source for plants, check:

    1. Lamp shape. For a window sill or a long shelf, you should choose a linear lamp. If you need to illuminate one pot or a small area on a shelf, then it is better to choose a base phytolamp.
    2. Range. The values ​​of the optimal wavelengths for growing plants have already been mentioned: 420-460 and 630-670 nm. It is worth checking whether the lamp provides such ranges. This can be done by looking at the spectrogram on the packaging. On the spectrogram you need to look for peaks in the blue and red parts of the spectrum.


    It is better if the peak in the blue region is at 440-450 nm, and in the red region - 650-660 nm. If there is a strong deviation from the optimal spectrum values, you should not buy a lamp.

    1. Power. For indoor plants and seedlings, a good option is a lamp with a rated power of at least 25-30 W. It is worth keeping in mind that manufacturers must indicate the rated and real power, and the real one should be less. This is a sign of a quality lamp.
    2. The ratio of power, illuminated area and height at which the lamp is suspended. Let's start with the fact that as the height doubles, the luminous flux decreases by 4 times. The more powerful the lamp, the higher it can be hung. For example, a LED lamp with a length of 50 cm and a power of 25 W is recommended to be hung at a height of 15-30 cm. And a similar device with a power of 50 W is recommended to be hung at a height of 20-50 cm.
    3. The area of ​​the lamp radiator. The larger the area, the better the cooling will be, the longer the phytolamp will last.
    4. The material from which the lamp is made. A good choice is an aluminum body. The advantage is that aluminum also serves as a radiator for LEDs. It is not recommended to take a lamp with a plastic body.
    5. Ease of maintenance.
    6. Economic factors: the feasibility of using phyto lamps for growing plants. After all, they are quite expensive.

    Harm of phytolamps to people and animals

    For growing plants at home, it is not recommended to use a phytolamp with a power of more than 70 W. Halogen phytolamps are safe for the health of people and animals, but sodium and mercury phytolamps are dangerous due to the vapors of harmful substances they contain. Therefore, at the slightest damage, they must be disposed of immediately.

    Preference should be given to high quality phytolamps. Inexpensive lamps do not emit light constantly. Their periodic blinking can lead to irritability, insomnia, decreased performance, visual acuity and headaches.

    Also, people and animals should not be exposed to blue and red spectrum for a long time. This is dangerous due to dizziness, nausea, problems with vision, heart and brain. In addition, prolonged presence of a phytolamp in these spectra during operation can lead to fatigue, the development of inflammatory processes and the appearance of burns.

    For small pets, the light from phytolamps is useful. The main thing is to use them correctly and dispose of them in a timely manner, then the phytolights will not cause harm to either people or animals.

    Which lamp to choose for plants and flowers?

    To illuminate indoor plants at home, it is best to use fluorescent lamps with a glow temperature of 6400-6500K and a color rendering index of at least 75, i.e. 765 is marked on the lamp, but 865 is better.

    Depending on the number of colors, choose a T8 lamp type with a power of 18W (60cm length) or 36W (120cm length) - these are the most popular options that are easy to find and inexpensive, as are the lamps for them.

    • The main thing is to select a lamp for illuminating plants with a higher color rendering index: using osram or Philips lamps as an example: not 765, but 865 or the Lumilux series. The first number indicates the color rendering index: 7 – 70-75 or 8 – 80-82.

    And the next two numbers are the color temperature in Kelvin: 40 – 4000K – neutral white light, 65 – 6500K – blue (cold daylight white).

    EXAMPLE: OSRAM L 36 W /765 Daylight - 36 Watt (120 cm) T8 - the optimal combination of price and quality.

    IMPORTANT! The closer the lamp reaches the end of its service life, the lower its luminous flux becomes. At the end of the service life it is no more than 54% of the initial one.

    When working for 12 hours every day, the lamp will work for no more than 28 months. In practice, there is often no point in using a lamp for more than 12 months (5000 hours).

    • In addition, use an incandescent lamp so that in addition to the blue color, the plant also receives red waves. The main principle: for 100 W of light from a fluorescent lamp, 30 W of incandescent lamp.

    For a lamp 18 W 765 (about 80 W) - 25 W incandescent lamp, for a lamp 36 W (160 W) - 40 W incandescent lamp. This way you can get a better balance of red and blue.

    • ALTERNATIVE: LED lamps. For those who can now afford to spend more money on artificial lighting for indoor plants. The amount spent now will easily pay off in the future due to the large resource and low consumption of LED lamps.

    Which is the best lamp to buy for plants? Results

    BRIEF RESULT: the choice of lamp for plants and flowers, of course, largely depends on the amount we are willing to spend and our goals.

    For illuminating plants on the balcony in an apartment and for constant artificial lighting of flowers or seedlings in a greenhouse, different types of lamps are optimal.

    The editors of the Flower Festival magazine recommend the following for the average florist:

    1. Budget option - OSRAM L 36 W /765 Daylight - 36 Watt (120 cm) T8 fluorescent lamp + 40 W incandescent lamp.
    2. The middle option is a fluorescent lamp for plants OSRAM L 18 W / 77 FLUORA - 18 Watt (60 cm), or OSRAM L 36 W / 77 FLUORA - the same, 36 Watt (120 cm) T8 type.
    3. The best option is an LED phytolamp for plants LED Grow Light from a reliable manufacturer.


    An example of an Osram fluora lamp


    How can you replace a phytolamp?

    In cloudy weather or in cold months with a lack or absence of warm sunlight, nothing can replace a phytolamp. In clear weather, light diffusers will help plants develop. They are made from reflective materials or use mirrors.

    You can also buy an LED strip as a homemade phytolamp.

    Using double-sided tape or glue, it is attached to the suspension above the plants. You just need to correctly connect the power supply to it and build a plug to connect and disconnect the power supply.

    However, such a phytolamp will not bring much benefit. Special equipment for growing plants is complex, and such an effect cannot be achieved on your own.

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